My First Youtube Video?!

Hey everyone!

One of my New Years Resolutions was to upload at least one video to Youtube, and I did it!!! It’s nothing special, but I went on my first cruise at the beginning of the year and put a video together from it! It’s not really a vlog because I didn’t talk throughout but it just shows some highlights from the trip. I said I would write a post on it but I’ve been planning the video for a while. Every time I tried to put it up it wasn’t good enough but finally I just decided to go for it! I’m not sure if more videos are in the near future but it’s definitely not out of the question. So without further adieu I give you, my first Travel Diary: Video Edition! Enjoy!

Thanks for watching! It is my first video so I would appreciate any feedback that you have!

xo Rickie

I Am My Own #Goals

Admit it, like me, you spend your day scrolling through Instagram, tapping through Snap stories, wishing you were somewhere/someone else. Spring Break just ended and everyone was on their tropical adventures and the rest of us were wishing we were them, right? Well, not exactly.

I’ve been doing a lot of self-evaluating lately and realizing that I am truly happy. I’m at a great school, in a great program, getting great grades. My family is so supportive and loving.  I’m spending my down time with the love of my life and my high school sweet heart. I’m healthy. I travel. Yet, I’ve spent my whole life thinking that’s not enough. I always wanted something more. Sound familiar? Well you’re not alone.


This post isn’t to tell you you’re unappreciative, nor is it to tell you how to live your life. It is a mere reflection on how I’ve come to appreciate my life for what it is. I’m happy, and that’s enough for me.

For those of you who don’t know, I suffer from anxiety disorder. I  would love to do a series of posts on dealing with anxiety, but I think this is a great place to start for now. Sometimes anxiety can cloud our judgement, and make us dwell on things that in the bigger picture don’t matter. However, there are some things I can control and lately, I’ve been choosing happiness.


Most weeks I spend so much time stressing that I literally burn out, and that it no way to live. I think that social media plays a huge role in how we see ourselves. It serves as a constant comparison to our lives. While we are too busy comparing ourselves to the Kylie Jenners of the Internet World, we forget how much we have ourselves.

Blogging has given me an outlet and has opened an amazing community for me. I love interacting with everyone on here and seeing my blog grow truly makes me happy. At first I was sort of embarrassed for people to read my writing, but I’ve come so far. I look forward to writing each blog post. For the first time in my life, I’ve truly appreciated my happiness for what it is.

It’s so easy to look at others and envy what they have, but it is even easier to look at yourself and notice all of the wonderful things. It is even better to look at others, and be inspired by them. When I started my blog, I thought I was in competition with the other bloggers. I realized a long time ago that was not the case. Instead, I am inspired by other writers.

If you’re still reading this, I want to thank you. This post is much different than the usual, but I’d like to incorporate more lifestyle posts to my blog. I also really wanted to share that it’s ok to be happy. Our society normalizes us hating ourselves by creating #goals for us but I decided to become my own goals, and I challenge you to do the same! Thanks for reading 🙂


xo Rickie

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Travel Diaries | Atlantic City 2016

Hi everyone!

For many college students this week is Spring Break and Bryan and I headed off to Atlantic City! I’ve never visited New Jersey before so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. While it was rainy for the most part, we still made the best of it! Here are some pictures from the trip.

For those of you who don’t know, NYC is our favorite place to visit so on our way to Jersey we made a pit stop! We went right to The Nugget Spot for lunch. This place is one of my favorites. They make fresh chicken nuggets everyday of many flavors with corresponding sauces.

Next we were off to Atlantic City. It’s no Florida but I really wanted to see the beach so that’s exactly what we did. The first day the water was so calm and gorgeous. Even though it is still winter, being at the beach was still so relaxing.

Atlantic City is the home of many casinos. We went to a couple but didn’t gamble much.

We stayed at a really nice hotel casino and our room had a beautiful view of the beach.

Of course, we enjoyed various restaurants and what not. There were many holiday specials with St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner. Johnny Rockets is always a favorite of mine though!

The hotel had an amazing indoor pool with seven hot tubs! This was one of my favorite activities as it was so relaxing. I even got some reading in!


While the weather was once again not in our favor, we were still able to make the best of our trip. It was really nice to get away for a few days!


On our way home we found ourselves back in the city of New York. This time we went to see a famous mural in the Bronx of Big Pun. Then we headed to my favorite part of New York, Astoria, Queens. Astoria has the highest Greek population in the U.S.. There is great authentic Greek food and stores. We stopped at the grocery store with all the Greek products and got a few of my favorite things!

This had me missing Greece so much! The food was phenomenal! It got me excited for Greek Easter coming up and over course summer in Greece. Overall the trip was really fun and I can’t wait for our next adventure. Where should we go next?

Xo Rickie


Tips to Liven Up Spring Break at Home!

Woo! Spring Break is right around the corner! To some that means you’re off to Cancun or some other tropical place. To others, its a full week of Netflix and Chill…by yourself. No big plans? No problem! Spring Break can be so hard to plan and of course afford. While some are fortunate enough to travel, others are left spending Spring Break at home. Just because you’re home for break doesn’t mean you have to be miserable. Here are some tips for enjoying Spring Break right at home!


Visit a tourist attraction near you or in your home town

This is my favorite! It is overlooked by many and can be so enjoyable. Most people have some type of tourist attraction near them and often times they’ve never been. For example, I live close to Yankee Candle and the Basketball Hall of Fame and most people from the area have never been to either. They make a great adventure for a date, family day, or hang out spot with friends! Don’t overlook your own town, there’s probably more to do than you think.


Work work work work work work (Rihanna voice)

Ok so this may not seem like the most fun option but hear me out. When everyone comes home from their spring break vaca, you’ll be rolling in the dough, and that is a great feeling.

Read a book

Nothing reminds me of summer more than reading a book by the pool. For some reason, I read so much more over vacation than throughout the school year. Leisure reading is really enjoyable and so relaxing. I have a couple books lined up for spring break this year.


Redecorate your room

Spring cleaning anyone? I love rearranging my room every few months just to spice it up a little. It just gives off good vibes and a fresh start. You can also make it a project and decorate with a bunch of DIYs.

Do away with your routine

Too often, we go home from school and it’s like we never got away. Take this week to do something different. Sleep in one day. The next day wake up early and go for a walk. Try to not stay in bed all day everyday and get out and do something different. While you should stay away from a normal routine, still plan activities ahead of time, and stick to them. Do something you said you always would. Most importantly, enjoy your time off.

I hope everyone enjoys their break however they spend it! Be sure to share any fun activities in the comments below 🙂

xo Rickie


March Goals | 2016

Hi February, Bye February! Am I right?

We’re already in month 3 of 2016! I can’t believe it. You guys know the drill by now. At the beginning of every month I like to set some goals. These goals help me keep track of myself, and help me work towards my yearly goals or resolutions, which most people have thrown out the window at this point. With that being said, Welcome March!

My first goal this month is to reorganize myself. I know this seems broad but I literally mean to just get reorganized. We’re right at midterms and things start to get so stressful and I start letting myself go. I forget to write things in my planner, procrastinate, etc. This is not the type of student I am so this month I plan to step back and get myself together.

Next, I want to continue last month’s goal of saving money. I did really well last month of starting to work more and therefore saving more. I plan to continue this throughout March. With Spring Break coming up I’m a bit nervous but hopefully picking up a few extra shifts will allow for more spending!

Recently, I became a member on Influenster. For those of you who don’t know, this is a website that sends you free products in return for reviews. I have already received to VoxBoxes of free products and I want to start incorporating these in my blog! I love reviewing products but feel like I always buy the same things. On a college student budget there’s not a lot of room to buy things just to review. Influenster is great for this reason!

Finally, this month I want to watch less Netflix and more TED Talks. Now I must admit, I did just binge watch all 13 episodes of Fuller House, but that was last month so it doesn’t count, right? TED Talks are so great and although I’ve been watching them since my freshman year (I’m now a Junior) I really want to watch more. These are educational, eye-opening, empowering and entertaining. I’m by no means giving up Netflix, I just get so much more out of watching TED Talks and a lot less guilt!

These are the main things I want to accomplish in the month of March! I’m super excited for this month and of course Spring Break! For all my fellow college students good luck on midterms! We got this :).

Until next time,

xo Rickie

Suite Life | Unique Ways to Bond with your Roommates

Hey everybody!!

I’ve been wanting to start a new blog series but I wasn’t quite sure what direction to go in. I really enjoy sharing tips from my experiences in college and my college posts are very popular so I bring to you The Suite Life series. This will be a series of tips and stories I’ve experienced by living with other people at school.

Although this is only my second year living in a suite or apartment with more than one roommate, I have learned a lot in this time. Living in a room of girls can definitely have its ups and downs. One thing I’ve found to make the experience better is setting aside nights to bond with each other. This is something my suitemates and I did a few times last year and it was always a great time! It’s both a stress and tension reliever as well as a way to get closer with each other. I understand that not everyone wants to be best friends with their roommates but if you’re looking for different things to do together then just keep reading!

Game Night

This may sound childish or silly but you’d be surprised as to how much fun this is! One time last semester it was freezing cold and we didn’t want to go out and leave the room so we decided to stay in. I forget how it came up but we were brinstorming what to do and I remembered I had the game “Heads Up!” on my phone. We ended up playing and were going on for hours! For those of you who don’t know about Heads Up! it is an app that can be downloaded and is similar to charades. It’s particularly fun because it records you acting out the words and is bound to create laughter in the room! This became our go-to game on nights spent in the suite. It’s great for friends, family, and even children! I know this is a roommate specific post but the game is $.99 so I just want to let you guys know that I think its worth it! Here is the link to buy if you’re interested: Heads Up!


Movie Night 

I know this may not seem like a particularly “unique” bonding option however it is always a great idea to fall back on! Instead of channel surfing for hours trying to choose a movie, make it a themed movie night! Halloween just passed but a scary movie night is always a fun time (except if you’re me and are afraid of everything spooky). Also, with the holidays right around the corner you can plan a holiday movie night! Watch Elf and bake your favorite holiday cookies! It is way more fun than just watching a movie! Plus, for all of the holiday lovers like myself, it can be super cheerful and get you in the holiday spirit! We can all use some of that spirt during the stressful end of semester madness. When all else fails, throw it back and watch your favorite Disney films. Last year we found out one of my roommates had never seen The Lion King (tragic, I know) so we immediately had an impromptu movie night and had a great time! Don’t let movie night be boring; get creative!


Spa Night

So I have yet to try this out with my roommates but I would definitely like to give it a shot sometime this year! I’m always on Pinterest coming across DIY Scrubs and masks and I think this would make such a fun Spa Night in the room! Maybe I’ve seen too many teenage sleepover movies but I feel like just having a relaxing night to just do girly things would be really fun! I mean what is more relaxing than a night designated to pampering yourselves?! If you have any good DIY scrub recipes leave them in the comments down below


Cook a “Family Dinner”

This is one of my favorites! Nothing brings people together like eating at the dinner table. Usually, in a suite or apartment setting students have more access to cooking facilities (other than the microwave). For example, last year we had a common room with an oven and this year in our apartment we have a full kitchen. Getting together and cooking a meal gets everyone in the same room working together and then spending time afterwards eating together. There are fairly simple meals to be made (pizza, pasta, tacos, etc.) and this can be a lot of fun! This is something I wish my roommates and I would do a lot more often, but schedule conflicts can really get in the way 😦


These are my unique ways to bond with suite mates! I hope you enjoyed. If you have any other ideas please share them in the comments! Thanks for reading!

xo Rickie

November Goals | 2015

Hi everyone!!

Happy November! Are the months flying by or what? I thought I’d try a different post today and share some of my goals for this month. I never realized how important goals were until I came to college. They really keep me on track and constantly improving. Just last week we had a speaker in class who wakes up every morning and writes down his goals…99% of them have been accomplished. I thought this was amazing and I have really been pushing myself to set goals more often. If you’d like to read about my goals for November just keep reading! 


1. Blog more

I started my blog over the summer and was posting as often as 4 times a week. Since school has started I’ve really been falling behind. This month I want to make sure I’m posting at the very least once a week. Maybe in December I’ll make it twice a week! Blogging is something I really enjoy and want to keep working at! 

2. Make President’s List (3.8 GPA or higher)

So I think I’ve made it pretty clear that school is a huge priority in my life. I take it very seriously and consider myself extremely lucky to have the opportunity to attend college, as neither of my parents did. I’ve made Dean’s List every semester thus far and last semester, for the first time I made President’s List. It was an amazing feeling and I would like to keep it up but it is a huge time commitment and very challenging (being a dual major doesn’t make it easier). 

3. Start my Christmas shopping

Sorry if the thought of Christmas stressed you out but it really is right around the corner! I always find myself doing last minute shopping I’d really like to get it out of the way as early as possible this year! 

4. Make time for the gym

The last time I went to the gym was in August…that is pretty much all I have to say about that. 

5. Allow myself to let loose and relax

I have a lot going on with work, school, clubs, and so on. More often than not I forget to make time for myself. I suffer from anxiety and often find myself overthinking and over analyzing everything going on. I’ve even been waking up at 8am on the weekends just to ensure I have enough time to do my homework. My boyfriend Bryan is always reminding me I need to relax and he always encourages me to do something for myself once in awhile. This month I’m finally going to take his advice! 

So those are my goals for the month of November! I’m pretty satisfied with the list and think that each goal is possible. Do any of you guys set goals? If so how often? I’d really like to continue documenting them rather than just keeping them to myself! 

Thanks for reading; here’s to a great month!

xo Rickie 

A Day in the Life | Fenway Park

Hi everyone!

So I’ve been brainstorming new blog post ideas and I thought it’d be cool to do a series called “A Day in the Life”. Throughout the series I will write about significant days where I do things worth documenting. Today’s post is going to be about my trip to Fenway Park this weekend!

This weekend I had the opportunity to go to Fenway Park with my University to watch the Boston Red Sox. It was a great way to kick off the semester! For those of you who don’t know I’m a sport management major and a huge Boston sports fan. I have not been to Fenway Park in about 7 years so it was great to finally go back! I took a few pictures from the day. Enjoy!

We got to Boston a bit early so naturally we went and got some food. We ate pizza at Little Steve’s Pizzeria. It was so delicious!! I wish I hadn’t ate my slice so fast so I could have shared a picture but it was super yummy.

After that we headed back to the Park. Fenway is such an incredible, historic facility. I always love going there.


The field is just gorgeous and so vibrant!

Our tickets had a $15 voucher uploaded on them so naturally I spent $8 on this awesome souvenir cup.  
The game was a blast and I’m glad I got to go with some pretty incredible people.            

The Sox won the game against the Phillies so of course we all left happy!

Thanks for reading! I’m looking forward to sharing more of my experiences with you all!

xo Rickie

10 Reasons to Join a Club in College

Today’s post regards one of my favorite things about college: Student Activities! Clubs & Organizations on campus have made my time here at school unforgettable. In high school I really did not partake in a club activities. In college, everything changed. I am involved in multiple organizations on campus and I am having the time of my life.

I work a lot with first year students and one of the most common reasons they don’t enjoy their time here is that they don’t get involved. Multiple studies show that students who are involved are more likely to succeed.

There is a common fear that that getting involved means you won’t have enough time for classes. Maybe, for some majors this is true, however I find that there is plenty of time to take part in at list one extracurricular activity. Throughout this post I will least my top ten reasons to join a club in college.

1. Meet New People

Whether you are a freshman or a senior there are always going to be more people to meet on campus. Joining a new club is probably the easiest way to do so. It is so great for first year students because the club points out a common interest right away. If you are looking to make connections on campus, start here!

2. Gain Group/Leadership Skills

Being a member of a club requires you to work with others in a variety of ways. Regardless of if you are president or just a member, you will get the opportunity to lead in some way. Working in a group is a great way to gain your confidence! You’ll be surprised by how much you will learn by joining a club!

3. There are so many to choose from!

This is pretty self explanatory. You are bound to find something that interests you, so why not?! College is all about finding yourself and expressing yourself so find a club that makes you happy and join!

4. Less likely to experience homesickness

Joining a club gives students a sense of belonging. By joining clubs I found my place on campus. Clubs give students a reason to stay at school. As I mentioned earlier they help facilitate connections between students. Homesickness is a huge struggle with first year students but it’s hard to think about missing home when you’re part of a family here on campus.

5. Résumé

Ok so if you think you already have great skills and aren’t worried about making connections, joining a club looks great on a résumé. Employers love to see that you are involved on campus. It shows dedication, time management, and more. College is a time where you should really be focusing on building your résumé. Why not join a club and enjoy it!

6. Make a Difference 

There are many clubs with a social impact. If you are passionate about something and would like to educate others, find a club to do so! Whether it is anti-bullying, GSA, or Feminists Unite, there are ways you can impact others. Don’t be afraid to share your beliefs. You can even join a mentoring program and impact students on a daily basis. College is a place where opinions are valued and making a difference is possible! Put yourself out there, you never know what you can accomplish!

7. Learn about yourself

I have learned more about myself through working with others than anything. By being a member in a club you will push yourself and through that learn so much. You may learn new interests, your strengths, your weaknesses, and so much more! Clubs are a great place to express yourself so keep an open mind, even about yourself.

8. Further explore your interests

I don’t know about you but I love learning. I joined a club in my major and have learned so many things I never knew and that my professors did not focus on in class. I was also able to go on trips and learn about my interests from industry professionals.

9. Keep Busy

This may sound crazy but if I didn’t participate in clubs and organizations I’m not sure what I would spend my days doing. Maybe I’d have a 4.0 GPA or maybe I’d actually be able to finish watching Friends on Netlfix. Regardless, I’m happy I take part in them. It makes me feel like I’m making my time here worth every penny. Also, I genuinely enjoy it. There is so much free time in college and you can either waste it or take advantage of it to better your experience. I say go for it!


Clubs are awesome! Some, if not most, of my best experiences here on campus were the result of being in a club. I have made the friends of a lifetime in some of the organizations I’m in. I will always remember clubs as one of the best parts of college. Have fun with it and always remember you’re at college for you, so do things that make you happy!

I hope you enjoyed my top ten reasons to join a club. Feel free to add your reasons in the comments! Thanks for reading!

xo Rickie

Peer Advising – Opening Day 2015

Hi everyone!

It has been way too long! I want to apologize for being absent lately. As I mentioned before I moved into school a bit early. This was because I took part in training to become a Peer Advisor. For two weeks we trained night and day to help first year students transition to our  University. I took part in over 200 hours of training…not to mention this is all volunteer work.

As a first generation college student myself, I am very passionate about helping other students. I had to be very independent when transitioning to college and having a peer advisor to lean on was very helpful for me. Peer advising itself could be a post in itself but today I’d like to share some pictures from Opening Day. During Opening Day we helped the first year students move in and get settled in on campus. I also was honored at Convocation for a Scholarship Award I achieved. Enjoy!

So the day began at 7am where all the Peer Advisors met and got pumped up for the day! Peer Advising is something I share with my roommates. This position is a lot of work so it’s nice to have them as my support system.

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I was interviewed by Brittany Decker from the local news! She is an alum from my school so it was great to see her.


I headed to Convocation with my advisees in the oh so flattering black gowns. I’m super excited to work with all these students this year!


My family came to watch the ceremony!

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Every mentor needs a mentor of their own. This is mine! Alyssa is someone who’s been there for me since the start of my freshman year. She’s my rock here on campus and I’d be lost without her!


Lastly, I have created so many relationships that I will have for the rest of my life. These amazing people are so influential to me. I could not be more thankful to be a part of such an incredible group.

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