Guess Who’s Back

Hello Strangers!

I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since my last blog post. Shame on me! You’re probably wondering where I’ve been, or not; I’m going to let you know anyways. As many of you know in May I graduated college. Last semester kicked. my. butt. On top of final projects and enjoying every last moment I had with my friends everything else was lost in the mix. Let me tell you though, we had some fun! Then in June it was back to business with work and since then I’ve been focused on that. Then of course me being me, I’m making a few pretty huge changes (which I’ll let you guys in on soon). So in a nutshell I’m still everyone’s favorite hot mess. 

So now why am I back? Well, I had a reality check the other day when my best friend texted me asking me why I stopped blogging. Honestly, I didn’t have an answer for her. I didn’t even realize people would notice. Since then I’ve been determined to get back to it. I don’t have anything specific to write about today other than my messy life but I figured some writing is better than no writing, right? At the end of the day I’m just a 22 year old girl fitting the pieces of her life together, and I’m having fun doing it. So here’s to that! 

Talk to you soon (for real this time).  

xo Rickie 

Life Update | Change of Mindset

Well it’s fair to say that 2017 has gotten off to a fast start. Already I have a new job, new goals, and new motivation! A big focus of mine for this year is mental health. I’ve said it a million times but last semester was really difficult for me in a variety of ways. I’ve made some positive changes that have lead to where I am now. I am getting comfortable with my lifestyle and spending more time doing the things that I enjoy. I just want to share some actions I’ve taken to change my mindset for the semester.

Find a hobby and stick to it

For the past 5 weeks or so I’ve gotten back into fitness. This is not long at all, I know but it’s something new and exciting. It gives me confidence when I see self-improvement. I also look forward to this part of the day. I know it sounds cheesy but I really changed my routine and have had incredible support from my roommates. Which leads me to my next point.


Share that hobby with someone you love

My roommates, man I love them. Being able to share something with people who are just as excited as you is so incredible. It’s motivating, reassuring, and such a great place to push each other. We’ve taken boxing classes, yoga classes, done workout plans and more. It’s just nice to share something with someone you love, and in this case its my friends.

Make sure to schedule some time for yourself

Spend time alone!!! I’ve been learning a bit about mediation and just clearing my head, and it makes a world of a difference. I use the app Headspace for meditation and it’s a great tool for beginners. Sleeping does not count (although you should be getting plenty). Put your phone away and just free yourself from the world for a few minutes. It’s harder than it sounds, but it pays off.

Read a book- one that can help you grow

I’ve tried to make it a point to replace binge watching Netflix with reading a good book. Personally I enjoy psychological, business, and self-help books. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll watch Netflix here and there but I just want to feed my brain with more positivity, rather than obsessing over these dramatic shows. Right now I’m reading You are a Badass by Jen Sincero and I highly recommend it.


As for beauty, don’t worry I’m still obsessed. I’m still buying makeup and will hopefully be getting some reviews up for you guys. I’m just working on getting this new schedule down.    Until then thanks for reading and I’ll talk to you soon!

xo Rickie

New Year, Better Me

Happy New Year!

Let’s talk resolutions. I’m someone who is very goal-oriented so I’ve been putting some serious thought into my resolution. If I had to put it into one sentence, it’d be becoming a better me. I don’t want to change who I am, drop 30lbs, dye my hair, etc. I just want to improve myself. Here’s how:

  • Focus on positivity: this is something I’ve been saying I need to work on but never keep up with. Focusing on positivity means instead of be jealous, being greatful, instead of dwelling on the past, loking forward, and instead of sulking in bed all day complaining about my life, getting up and doing something about it. This year is one that will be full of change and big decisions and staying positive is something I will rely on.
  •  Spend less time staring at a screen: this may sound a bit cliché but it’s something that been bothering me for a while now. Wen I go out to eat I look around and see everyone looking down in their phones rather than the person across from them. I want to be able to put my phone down and listen more. Rather than watching Netflix all day, I will pick up the book I’ve been meaning to finish. Don’t get me wrong, I love technology, social media, and what not but I want to be able to enjoy the moment and the people around me.
  • Continue learning: I graduate from college in May 2017. That always sounded ages away and now here we are, just a few months away. For the first time in my life I won’t be a student. Learning is a passion of mine and just because I’ll no longer be in a classroom, does not mean I stop learning. Whether it be about politics, how to knit, or managing my own budget, I will continue to learn.

Positivity, togetherness, and learning are the keys to my growth this year. I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year!

xo Rickie

December Boxycharm


This month Boxycharm really spoiled us subscribers. The theme for December was “Makeup on Pointe” and they hit the nail on the head. Here’s what was in the box:


  1. Ofra Metallic Liquid Lipstick $15.00
  2. Butter London Nail Lacquer $15.00
  3. Pure Cosmetics Eyeshadow Palette $50.00
  4. Beauty For Real Lip Revival Scrub $14.00
  5. IBY Beauty Eyeliner $14.00

That is a total of $108.00 worth of makeup for $21.00………..I’m serious.

Let’s explore the products.

I’m already a fan of Ofra Cosmetics so I was excited to say the least when I saw this beauty. Metallic Lips have been all the rage lately. This month, Bocycharm paired the liquid lipstick with a matching purple eyeliner. How cute?!

There is nothing I struggle more with than chapped lips in the winter. This is the perfect time of year to include a lip scrub in the box. The scrub is made with sugar and oils and smells quite nice! Most importantly, it does the job.

I know what you’re thinking, UD Naked 3 palette? That was my first thought as well. This is the first I’ve heard of Pure Cosmetics. I’m not sure how I feel about the company’s lack of uniqueness, but I will definitely give this palette a whirl. The colors seem very pigmented. I’ll update you all upon use!


ButterLondon is my newest obsession. I’ve never really fallen in love with a nail polish brand until I first started using this brand. I received a nude shade from BL in a previous box and absolutely love the formula. I’m so excited to try out a darker shade!!!

That completes my Bocycharm for the month of December. What did you guys get? If you’re looking to subscribe you can do so here!

Until next time,

xo Rickie




How to be an Effective Hire

There are articles on articles on how to get your dream job. This is not one of them. It is however, a compilation of tips in order for you to excel in your position. Getting hired can be difficult but once you are there it is important to stay on top. I’m someone who is constantly looking at the next step. I aspire to be the best at whatever I do, even if the job is a small one. Because of this, I have seen a lot of success in my college career and work life. Here are some tips I suggest for you to be indispensable to your company!

Ask Questions… but only when necessary

Asking questions is something many people don’t take the opportunity to do. By asking questions, it shows that you want to be sure of your work. It also shows a higher level of care. As a new hire, you will have many questions. However, you do not want to run to your boss with every question you have. Your boss is busy and does not need to be asked questions like “where do we keep the stapler?”

As a new hire, try to figure out things on your own, it is how you learn best. You would not have been hired if you were not capable to do the job, so trust yourself. If you tried everything/everywhere, then ask a colleague. Figure out the chain of command, so to speak. Only ask your boss when absolutely necessary.

Be the “go-to” man/woman

Once you are settled in, figure out what you’re best at, then use it to your advantage. Will you be the techy that fixes everyone’s computer issues? Whatever it is, be dependable. This means doing more than you signed up for, yes, but no one gets promoted by doing less than they’re asked.

Act/Dress for the job you want, not the job you have

Let’s say you’re finally working for your dream company, but you’re only an intern, or entry-level. Hold yourself to a high standard. You can never be overdressed. Always be professional. The way you walk, talk, and even dress says a lot about you (for better or for worse).

Pay Attention

The biggest successes can come from simply paying attention to the world around you. Pay attention to the office culture. Pay attention when your boss talks about their hobbies/family/etc. You never know what connections you may draw from a conversation.

Never stop learning

You got the job, great. You still have a long way to go! Every day you should go into work with the intent of learning something new. It could be about the company, your position, a client, etc. Working does not mean you stop learning. Everything you learn here may help you in your future.

Think Ahead

The actions you take today will effect your life tomorrow, and so on. Ask yourself: how can this help me in the long run? By doing this you will not only get the most out of this experience but also make sense of how what you’re doing now can get you to that next step.

Following these tips will give you a head start at making a great impression at work. It is up to you to apply them. Take note that these tips alone will not make you indispensable. There is always work to be done and if you are not doing your job, forget the rest. If you want to keep moving up the ladder, I suggest following the tips above. Please share any other tips in the comments!

xo Rickie

Finals Week | You Can Do This

It’s the end of the semester. Should I cheer or continue to drown in the amount of work I have left to do. The happiest time of the year is right around the corner but it’s so hard to see through all the work that needs to be done. Finals are no doubt the most stressful point in the semester but you can do this.

I have this conversation with myself every single year. After four years you would think I would be able to manage the stress that comes with finals week and yet here I am not knowing what to do first. I know I’m not alone. I know there are others struggling just as much if not more than I am. You can do this.

I’m writing today to free my mind of everything that stressing me out. I’m writing to tell myself that I can get through this next week. I’m writing for everyone who thinks that they can’t accomplish what needs to be done. There are enough hours in the day. Everything will get done. We can do this.

The amount of stress a college student experiences throughout the semester is unlike anything we’ve experienced thus far in our lives. I’m partially writing to motivate others, and I’m partially writing to motivate myself. While everyone is saying everything will work out it’s hard to believe. For the past week or so we’ve been living off coffee and most likely junk food. We haven’t been sleeping nearly enough hours. And our minds are already home with our families for the holidays.

I know I speak for many college students as I write this but most importantly I speak for myself. I can do this, you can do this, we can do this.

Good luck on finals everybody. Take the next month for yourself for your family for your loved ones and relax. The end is near. Now let’s finish strong.

Monthly Goals | December 2016

Ahhhhh! What a year it has been! The best month of them all is just beginning however 🙂 December is my favorite month for many reasons: it’s my birthday month; the holidays are here; Christmas music; family; and of course BREAK FROM SCHOOL (much needed). As I explained in my Let’s Play Catch-Up post, I’m feeling motivated so I’m going to set some goals for the month.

1. Blog Regularly

Throughout December my goal is to blog at the very least once a week. Blogging is a big stress reliever for me. I can just sit and write whatever is on my mind. This semester has been extremely challenging for me and I’ve put blogging aside. I want to finish the year strong and have a blogging schedule for the new year.

2. Apply for at least 5 jobs of interest to me

Some time off from school allows me to focus on what is ahead. Graduation is right around the corner and although I prefer to avoid the topic at all costs, I need to be prepared. I’ve begun applying and interviewing for jobs that are safe and in my comfort zone but my goal is to reach outside that zone. Doing this over vacation will allow me to perfect my cover letter, resume, and really get thinking on where I want to be.

3. Recuperate

This is pretty self explanatory. I’m not sure what my method for recuperation will be yet (spa day possibly?) but I know I need it. My stress levels are through the roof with finals coming up and I plan to take the second half of the month to relax.

4. Read a book (or two)

Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I would love to just stay in bed all day cozied up with a good book, a delicious candle, and some tea. Reading is another thing that relaxes my mind and I really don’t do it enough. I have two books lined up for break and I plan to get through them.

5. Clean my room at home

For the past four years, I’ve been bouncing back between school and my house. Throughout this time I’ve accumulated so many items that I’m running out of space. I’ll be moving back home in the spring and it’d be really nice if I could make some room for my stuff. I have a hard time parting ways with everything: clothes, books, greeting cards; you name it. I’m counting on my mom to help me with this one because if I do it alone I’ll keep everything.

These are my goals for December. I wish you all a wonderful month full of love and cheer!

xo Rickie


Black Friday (mini) Beauty Haul

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Holiday season is among us and I couldn’t be happier. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, I know I did. I love spending time with my family especially during stressful points in the semester. My second favorite way to destress just so happens to be through retail.

For about eight or so years now, my mom and I have made it a tradition to go Black Friday shopping at midnight. We always have a great time together whether or not we find great deals. This year was one where we did not find much but I am so thankful to have had the chance to go.

Two places I did find great deals were Macy’s and Ulta. Macy’s is where I buy all of my MAC products. On Friday I got two lipsticks and a highlight. Only the highlight was on sale but the lipsticks were calling my name. The highlight I got is called Dunes At Dusk and was 60% off! How could I say no? Plus is is on its way out as it was a part of the summer collection. There are fours shades within the highlight and when mixed together create a beautiful yet subtle sheen.

The two lipsticks I purchased are perfect for the holidays. First, from the holiday collection I chose Leap of Delight, my perfect purple. Purple lipstick can be hard to pull off whether it is too bright or so dark it looks black. This shade is so flattering and perfect for winter. The second shade I purchased is Bronze Shimmer. This is my first frost lipstick from MAC. This shade just screams holidays. It is exactly its name, a bronze shimmer, and it makes me happy.

From Ulta I picked up two Holiday kits. “Lashes, Love & Lipstick” from Too Faced and “Gilded Glamour: 3 Piece Holiday Essentials Collection” from Laura Geller. There are three items in each.


In the Too Faced box there are three deluxe samples: Melted Matte Liquid Lipstick in the shade It’s Happening, Better Than Sex Mascara, and Long-Lasting 16 Hour Blush in Your Love is King. 

In the Laura Geller collection there are two full sized products and one deluxe sample (which I’m most excited about). The two full sized products are both for the eyes. I bought the DramaLash Maximum Volumizing Mascara and the Eye Calligraphy Liquid Eyeliner, both in black. The selling point for me was the deluxe sample of the infamous highlight in Guilded Honey. I’ve been eyeing this for so long but did not want to splurge on the full sized product.

I could honestly live off of deluxe samples. Since I am (usually) the only one using my make-up, I find it hard to go through entire products but I love trying new things. These small collections are perfect for me. They also make great holiday gifts for your beauty loving friends!

Did you guys find any good deals this year? Let me know in the comments!

xo Rickie


Let’s Play Catch-Up

Hi all!

For those of you still reading I appreciate you so much and for those who stopped, I can’t say I blame you. I know that it has been 2 months since my last post and I wanted to update you all on where I’ve been. This is by far the longest I’ve gone without a blog post so I believe I owe some explanation.

I’ve started writing this post multiple times over the past few weeks but I just could not get myself back into writing. Partially because I’ve been so guilty from neglecting my blog and partially because I’ve been working my tail off in other aspects of my life. Regardless, I am here to stay and excited to be back interacting with all of you wonderful people!

As many of you know I am a college student blogging for the fun of it (still true btw). This year is my final year of undergraduate studies and I am working hard to stay on top of all of my work, and on top of my class. I take my academics very seriously and enjoy every bit of learning I can get. With that comes many sacrifices.

In addition to my studies I am also making big decisions for my future. Senior year is full of hard decisions: Should I go to grad school? When should I start? Where should I apply for jobs? How can I set myself apart? You get the idea… My mind is racing 24 hours of the day.

I’m applying for jobs left and right without being completely sure of what I want to do career-wise. I never had a set dream of what I want to do. I’m sure many of you have had or are going through a similar experience and can imagine the stress I feel. If you have any advice feel free to send some my way.

Before all my work piled up and my life was a busy mess I was experiencing writers block for the first time. While I may struggle to think of topics you guys enjoy, I remembered why I started my blog. It’s an outlet for me.

As I sit in Barnes & Noble right now, I remember how easy it is to just sit and write down my thoughts. I’ve missed being behind my computer and writing about whatever comes to mind. It may be that today is the day before Thanksgiving and I have a short break from everything but I am feeling refueled and motivated.

I’m excited to take these next couple of days and focus on things that make me happy. I will talk to you all soon (I promise).

Thanks for reading!!

xo Rickie


October Goals | 2016

I’m alive!

I cannot express to you guys enough how much I’ve missed blogging. I’m drowning in schoolwork and professional development opportunities. Senior year is both amazing and slowly killing me. Regardless, this month I’m focusing more on my personal interests and taking a breather from everything else. With that being said, here are my goals for the month:

Get back to blogging

I can’t even remember the last time I sat down to write a blog post. Every moment of down time I’ve had in the past couple of month has gone to sleep, and even that hasn’t been enough. Blogging is relaxing and enjoyable for me and I will definitely benefit from putting time aside in my schedule to write.

Attend Career Fairs

As I mentioned, I am a senior in college so I have many big decision to make within the next few months. This month I want to take every opportunity to network and seek out opportunities for my future. To start, I have drafted resumes, business cards, and a portfolio to bring along. I’m still not 100% set on what I want to do so I think these events will help greatly.

Finish my book

Over the summer, you can always find me with a book in my hands. Similar to blogging, it is an escape from reality. In early August I began reading Girl on the Train and I really want to pick up where I left off. It has been sitting in my desk since August. Plus the movie is coming out so I want to finish for that reason as well!

These are my main goals for October. I am basically playing catch up with myself from my crazy September. I look forward to interacting with all of you again!

Happy October!

xo Rickie